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Heb je zin om met je leerlingen op leesavontuur te gaan? YA-auteur Maureen Johnson schreef twee verhalen vol murder en mystery, voor leerlingen vmbo en havo/vwo. Ga samen op onderzoek uit in de spannendste les Engels van het jaar! Durf jij het aan?
In 13 Little Blue Envelopes begint de zeventienjarige Ginny aan een reis door Europa, door de instructies in brieven van haar pas overleden tante op te volgen. In The Name Of The Star wordt Londen opgeschrikt door een aantal brute moorden, die de gruwelijke misdaden van Jack the Ripper nabootsen. De Amerikaanse tiener Rory komt in deze spannende zaak terecht.
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Doe de spannendste les Engels van het jaar!
13 Little Blue Envelopes
(leerjaar 3-4 vmbo)
At first, no one was too concerned. Everyone thought that this was just another Aunt Peg adventure. A month went by. Then two. Then the spring semester was over. Then it was summer. Aunt Peg was simply gone. Then came a few postcards, basic assurances that she was doing well. They were postmarked from a variety of places – England, France, Italy – but they contained no explanations.
So Aunt Peg was exactly the kind of person who would send her to England alone, with a package from a Chinese restaurant. That wasn’t so odd.
The odd part was that Aunt Peg had been dead for three months.
The Name Of The Star
(leerjaar 2-3 havo/vwo)
“I can now confirm that the body of a man has been found on Davenant Street, in a small private car park. Witnesses who found the body say that the victim had a wound to the neck. Though we have no further details at this time, that is consistent with the Ripper murders.”
“I can’t watch this anymore.” Jazza said. “I’m going upstairs.”
Jaz got out of her chair and stepped over the various people sitting on the floor around us. I didn’t want to stop watching but she was clearly upset, and I didn’t want to leave her alone.
Even voorstellen. De auteur.
Maureen Johnson (Philadelphia, 1973) studeerde theaterwetenschappen en creatief schrijven in New York. Ze is de auteur van verschillende succesvolle YA-romans, waaronder 13 Little Blue Envelopes (in het Nederlands vertaald door Uitgeverij De Fontein).
Samen met John Green en Lauren Myracle schreef ze ook de jeugdroman Let It Snow (ook verfilmd en te zien op Netflix). Maureen Johnson woont in New York.